Cụm từ cho task 2 IELTS

Đưa ý kiến/ bày tỏ thái độ

1/ In my view/ opinion, ...
2/ From my point of view, ...
3/ (Personally,) I tend to think/ believe/ feel that ...
4/ I would argue that/ I tend to think that
5/ I am not sure I agree with/ that ...
6/ I tend not to believe that ...
7/ As far as I'm concerned, ...
8/ Arguably/ As a matter of fact/ Interestingly/ Clearly/ To a certain extent, ...

Mở đầu tranh luận

1/ The main argument in favour of/ against ...
2/ It is (certainly) true that ...
3/ It is (generally) believed/ felt that ...
4/ Experts/ Professionals would argue/ say that ...

Đưa ra nguyên nhân/ ví dụ

1/ One of the main reasons why ...
2/ The main reason why ...
3/ There are a number of reasons why/ for ...
4/ For this reason, ...

Đưa ra tranh luận

1/ Having said that/ made this point/ these points, ...
2/ Despite/ In spite of this, ...

Bày tỏ mục đích

with the aim of/ in order to/ so as to

Đưa ra nguyên nhân và tác động

1/ due to/ otherwise
2/ as a result/ consequence/ with the result that/ resulting in

Nhấn mạnh

1/ What we/ people/ governments need to/ should do is ...
2/ All that X needs to/ should do is ...
3/ It is X that ...

Rút ra kết luận

1/ Overall, ... / All in all, ...
2/ Ultimately, ... / In the end, ...

Composed by 91 English Blog
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