Những lỗi thường gặp trong cấu trúc tiếng Anh


- Furniture, music, health happiness là những danh từ không có dạng số nhiều mà cũng không phải là danh từ số ít.

=> Không thể dùng chúng với a, an, few, many, several,...

Ví dụ:

[U]: không đếm được

[C]: danh từ đếm được

[U or C]: có thể đếm hoặc không đếm được

Một vài ví dụ cho danh từ không đếm được:

  • He gave me an advice
         => He gave me some advice
         => He gave ma a piece of advice (*)
  • He gave me a lot of advices
  • He gave me many advices
         => He gave me a lot of advice

(*) Chúng ta thêm "piece of" hoặc "item of" trước một số danh từ để làm chúng thành danh từ đếm được.
  1.  Information => Pieces of information
  2. Advice => Pieces of advice
  3. Transport => Methods of transport
  4. Equipment => Pieces of equipment
  5. Behaviour* => Types of behaviour
  6. Research* => Pieces of research
  7. Training
  8. Knowledge
  9. Software => Pieces of software
  10. Accommodation

Ví dụ:


1. Accommodation
2. Which
3. Government
4. Beginning
5. Definitely
6. Successful
7. Environment
8. Advertisement
9. Believe
10. Colleague


       1. Experience:

  • I know several people who have made the same experience.
  • I know several people who have had the same experience.

       2. Friend:

  • I found it difficult to find friends and felt very lonely.
  • I found it difficult to make friends and felt very lonely.

       3. Research:

  • It is impossible to make any research without the internet.
  • It is impossible to do any research without the internet.

       4. Work:

  • Anna makes her work very efficiently.
  • Anna does her work very efficiently.

       5. Mistake:

  • People often do the same mistakes.
  • People often make the same mistakes.

       6. Survey:

  • I made a survey of the level of job satisfaction of our department.
  • I carried out/ did a survey of the level of job satisfaction of our department.

       7. Effort:

  • It is worth doing an effort to live a healthier life.
  • It is worth making an effort to live a healthier life.

       8. Child/ children/ baby:

  • They married young, got two children and led an ordinary life.
  • They married young, had two children and led an ordinary life.

       9. Business:

  • I spent 3 days in the office making business by phone.
  • I spent 3 days in the office conducting/ doing business

     10. Change:

  • They suggested doing some changes to the schedule.
  • They suggested making some changes to the schedule.


       1. Number/ amount/ quantity:

  • A big number of tourists/ customers/ students
  • A large number of tourists/ customers/ students

       2. Choice:

  • They offer only a little choice of cold snacks.
  • They offer a limited/ narrow choice of cold snacks.

       3. Range/ variety/ choice:

  • There is a big range of study materials  available.
  • There is a wide range of study materials available.
  • They provide a big variety of hot meals every day.
  • They provide a wide variety of hot meals every day.
  • They offer a bigger choice of hot meals.
  • They offer a wider choice of hot meals.

       4. Noise:

  • Suddenly there was a big noise.
  • Suddenly there was a loud noise.

       5. Pressure:

  • I am already overworked and under high pressure.
  • I am already overworked and under great/ a lot of pressure.

       6. Importance:

  • This fact is of very big importance to me.
  • This fact is of very great importance to me.

       7. Amount:

  • They earn a high amount of money.
  • They earn a large amount of money.

       8. Tree/ building/ person:

  • It is a high building.
  • It is a tall building.
  • He is not very high.
  • He is very tall.

       9. Progress:

  • I have made quite big progress in speaking English.
  • I have made great/ a lot of progress in speaking English.

      10. Decrease:

  • There was a little decrease in profits in the second year.
  • There was a slight decrease in profits in the second year.


       1. Suggest:
  • Suggest (sb) to do sth
=> I suggest to send our colleagues on a similar course.
  • Suggest (that) sb do sth
=> I suggest (that) we send our colleagues on a similar course.

       2. Recommend:
  • Recommend to do sth
=> I recommend to employ a part-time assistant.
  • Recommend doing sth
=> I recommend employing a part-time assistant.

       3. Look forward to:
  • Look forward to do sth
=> I look forward to hear from you.
  • Look forward to doing sth
=> I look forward to hearing from you.

       4. Need:
  • Need do sth; need doing sth
=> We need resolve a lot of their important problems.
  • Need to do sth
=> We need to resolve a lot of their important problems.

       5. Consider:
  • Consider to do sth
=> I would like you to consider to refund at least some of my money.
  • Consider doing sth
=> I would like you to consider refunding at least some of my money.

       6. Want:

  • Want do sth
=> If you want have the body you have always dreamed of, you must join a gym.
  • Want to do sth
=> If you want to have the body you have always dreamed of, you must join a gym.

       7. Be used to:
  • Be used to do sth
=> You should be used to work in teams and be computer literate.
  • Be used to doing sth
=> You should be used to working in teams and be computer literate.
       8. (Would) like:
  • Would like do sth
=> I would like thank the families for their help.
  • Would like to do sth
=>    I would like to thank the families for their help.

      9. Can: 
  • Can to do sth
=> We need to find new markets where we can to sell our products.
  • Can do Sth
=> We need to find new markets where we can sell our products.

      10. Help:

  • Help (sb) doing something.
=>  My job was to help operating the roller-coaster.
  • Help (sb) to do sth; help (sb) do sth
=>  My job was to help (them) to operate the roller-coaster/ my job was to help (them) operate the roller-coaster.

Composed by 91 English Blog
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